thanksgiving, happy thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Most of us look forward to Thanksgiving for delicious food, family time and the feeling of celebration that comes along with it. Instead of sensible portion sizes, we indulge in loading everything onto the same plate, in enormous quantities. Believe me I am all for that extra piece of pie! Happy Thanksgiving people!

Thanksgiving Day is a time to celebrate our loved ones, who make everything else rewarding. Along with all the excitement around this time of the year, we also spoke to the kids about the history of Thanksgiving.

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I love planning the menu. Believe me when I say, I literally stalk the internet for new recipes and also make a few family favorites. Pinterest is so addictive! I am thrilled about the planning and preparation that comes along with celebrating this day. Just to save time, I try to bake delicious treats the day before.

And I love Black Friday sales and deals. I have only gone to stores for Black Friday sales just once in my entire life. My girl friends and I went to a few stores. We got up early and stood in lines. Got the whole shopping in stores during Black Friday experience. But I decided it was not for me. Since then I have always done my Black Friday shopping online. I love looking at deals and seeing what the stores come up with each year.

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My kids love Thanksgiving because it feels MORE CLOSER to Christmas!

Thank you for reading this! I hope this Thanksgiving finds you with plenty of reasons to give thanks!

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Grateful for you
Thankful, Thanksgiving